Member |
Description |
The priority of this order when not assigned to any squads. |
Returns true if this order was created by the player via the tactics view. |
The current priority of the order, modified by any squads it is currently assigned to. |
The spawn point this order originated from. |
The spawn point this order targets. |
This value is unique to every active order |
Method |
Description |
Drops the active override target position. |
Sets an override target position. |
Static methods
Method |
Description |
Convenience function that creates a move order to the specified override target position. |
class Order
int basePriority
The priority of this order when not assigned to any squads.
const bool hasOverrideTargetPosition
const bool isIssuedByPlayer
Returns true if this order was created by the player via the tactics view.
const int priority
The current priority of the order, modified by any squads it is currently assigned to.
const SpawnPoint sourcePoint
The spawn point this order originated from.
const SpawnPoint targetPoint
The spawn point this order targets.
const int uniqueID
This value is unique to every active order
void DropOverrideTargetPosition()
Drops the active override target position.
void SetOverrideTargetPosition(Vector3 position)
Sets an override target position. Gives full control over exactly where the squad goes when completing the objective.
string ToString()
static Order Create(OrderType type, SpawnPoint source, SpawnPoint target)
static Order Create(OrderType type, SpawnPoint source, SpawnPoint target, Vector3 overridePosition)
int basePriority